Last Friday I was kindly invited by one of my best friends to attend the Long Rugby Breast Cancer Charity Lunch held at the Hilton Hotel in Sydney.
There are many things dear to my heart and breast cancer and the effects of it are one of them.
There have been many people over the years who have touched my life that have been diagnosed with Cancer and I have watched them and their families be effected by this heart wrenching disease.
To donate to a charity such as this is an honour and when I am invited to a charity lunch or function that requires me to donate, I am only too happy to oblige.
Lunches such as this are about giving to a good cause and also having a great time. I was at a table hosted by Sharon-Lee, the eyebrow guru, who is not only stunning outside but inside too. Her family has been affected by breast cancer and she kindly donated goods to the cause and encouraged her friends to attend. May I also add, her eyebrows were perfectly arched and plucked - much to the envy of the tables of women that surround our table. Who would have thought 10 years ago that an empire would be built on eyebrows?
Another person at my table, Michelle, was a successful investment banker and my close friend Sam, is a radio announcer and television presenter who has built a successful career. There are so many women out there that are successful, charitable and have so much to offer the world. Whilst I am not an advocate for Women's Awards as I do believe in equal billing, I do take time out to admire my female counterparts and applaud their successes.
There are so many amazingly talented women out there that to be able to spend an afternoon in their company is both invigorating and inspiring.
There were silent auctions and raffle tickets - all of which I participated in with vigour. Sam and I decided that we wanted to win the car to spend the proceeds on a girls holiday at Xmas, so we quickly departed with $500 to buy 6 tickets in the draw.
Sam was so sure that we would win that she was spending the money on everything from helicopter flights through to shopping sprees.
As they asked people to stay standing if their numbers were from 100 to 500, our excitement built. Then they asked to remain standing anyone between 100 and 200 - and all of a sudden I realised we were in for a chance! A sweat bead on my forehead started to trickle down the side of my perfectly made up face and I began to get nervous, then they called out a number ... and it wasn't mine! How many times have we all been in this predicament whereby we believe we are going to win something and the excitement mounts, only to be disappointed by the wrong number or name coming out? Some lucky young Irish man had won the car and they aren't even good a rugby! How does that happen?
Trying not to be too disappointed, I sat down and both Sam and I talked about what we could have done with the money for the next hour or so.
It was kind of like when I put in the lotto for the first time 2 weeks ago for the $96 million dollar draw. I had spent that money in my mind pretty fast that time too.
$90 million for charity, $6 million for my expenses for the rest of my life.
What else would one do with that sort of money?
The odds of winning anything is quite slim - particularly in my case. As always, it seems the same people win things over and over again. They are called 'just plain lucky!'
I on the other hand I am not so lucky. I have to work for everything I achieve and do - which really isn't so bad. I feel privileged that to date I have had good health, a loving family and the most interesting and diverse group of good friends one could ever hope for.
The odds of winning a car at a charity are 1000 to 1, but the odds of having a good life, are all about what you make of it.
I have a business that I am proud of, a career that has spanned 18 years and I care about those around me.
What more can I ask for?
Cannot agree more with you Mellissah. Luck is a tricky thing, isnt it? While one person could be doing terrible in their career and consider themselves unlucky, the other person might not be doing well in his career too but may feel he is really lucky since he just got his 5 year old girlfriend to say yes to his proposal. Its all about what we want in our lives that signifies what "lucky" means to us.
You make a great point Jay. It is about what you think being "lucky" is. Just because a you were not able to win a car doesn't mean that you were unlucky. You could have been lucky to just be there with friends supporting a good cause. Luck is about what you make of it.
I won the bingo jackpot of $300 when I was 5 years old, then my supposed luck ran out. I have not won anything since, but I would still like to believe I am lucky. My mother was supposed to lose a battle to breast cancer, but she is still here and is in remission. I would trade that for my bingo jackpot anyday.
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