Sunday, January 25, 2009

What Motivates Us To Be Better

Yesterday the most unusual thing happened to me. I was in Byron Bay about to head to my accountant’s holiday retreat for lunch when I decided to do a spot of shopping.

Byron Bay has an abundance of boutique shops that often stock items that are made locally by talented people that just chose to live in this seaside township.

I was in one shop and there was a turkish coffee cup reader. For $30 for 15 minutes she tells you your fortune (or lack of it according to the girl before me).

I sat down and she told me what has been going on in my life, love, family etc. Then she got onto work.

She told me how I would continue to do what I do, but will do it better. I will find a clearer message in which to communicate how I can help other businesses.

Well, for a start - how does she know I am in marketing and own my own business? I decide that regardless of where this information is sourced from, there is a message in this that I should give some kudos to.

At Marketing Eye we work with predominantly small to medium sized businesses that need help. They are seeking to be better equipped at marketing their businesses, getting their message out and creating better brands and brand experiences for their customers.

The more we as a company can help small businesses with marketing, the better equipped they will be to succeed.

It's not just about creating a service where there is a need. It's about giving people help to achieve what they have set out to achieve.

When you relay this to your own small business - it could be a dress shop, the dress that makes a woman feel beautiful and gives her a sense that it is meant to be is the right dress for that person. If you try and sell them a dress that doesn't suit their figure or personality - then its wrong.

There's a message in 'helping' rather than servicing or providing a product. See where your business fits into helping others get what they want or need.


Jock said...

I find it interesting that you draw a distinction between ‘helping’ and offering a ‘service’. This got me thinking as to whether you can really have one without the other. You may offer a great service but if you haven’t helped your client achieve what they want then there is a possibility you’re not retaining loyal customers or achieving the success you deserve.

mlock01 said...

Interesting point Jock, but i tend to think that there are actually alot of service providers out there that arent really focussed on helping their clients and customers. Its probably only those that are truly helping their customer base that will stand the test of time.

Anonymous said...

I agree with mlock01, although you do bring up a good point Jock, I think that there really is a distinction between 'helping' and offering a 'service'. Many companies today offer services but are these services necessarily ones that are going to better businesses? Are these companies really looking to help better your business or are they just looking for the profits? Helping someone or a company usually makes people feel good about what they are doing but does your service that is being offered make you feel this way? I think that helping others is the way to go, there are definitely more benefits to this route.