Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Winners are grinners!

It's a phenomenal change in mindset when a big sale comes into a business. It boosts morale, creates excitement and sets a tone for accomplishment.

Today, two of our marketing consultants brought into the business a new client and when they told me, you could hear in their voices their excitement.

If only in business we could achieve the same sort of euphoria as this every day.

It's true. Winners are grinners - so the idea is to keep winning. Easier said then done!


brand_king said...

Congratulations! A major new client in these times is a wonderful effort and shows the strength of your business. Well done.

Jock said...

Congratulations! keep up the good work.

mlock01 said...

its always important to get passionate about victories in any organisation. When hard work pays off, there is no better feeling.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Being excited about what you do and the clients that you get is a good way to keep motivated. This makes the all around work environment better.